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Fully Automated accounting on IndustryOS

The ESG Module operates on a cloud-based platform, facilitating real-time accessibility and collaboration. This not only streamlines the reporting process but also enhances efficiency by allowing stakeholders to access data and insights from anywhere in the world. The cloud-based infrastructure ensures that organizations can seamlessly integrate ESG accounting into their broader digitalization strategy, promoting agility and responsiveness

Process -Sequence

Identify Net Zero

To check the applicability of forms and checklists (GRI) to be filled depending upon the hierarchy, business type and user role- Linking it to Aspect Impact analysis


Depending upon roles and resposibilities, multiple users reports the data impacting the carbon zero goal finalized by borosil form selected business sites.

Validate and Authorise

Allowing multiple stakeholders to input, review, upload evidence and approve data . It minimise the risk of inaccurate data and assures data transparency.

Analytics and Reporting

Generate customized dashboard and reports with analytics of net zero carbon emission reduction.

user can export & share/ download the report it to various formats for further analysis or edits

Sample Dashboard

To be customized as per client’s inputs.
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The Dashboard elements shall be fully customized as per the client needs.

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