


Driving Data with Purpose:

How Sustainable Technology

Fuels Business Growth and

ESG Performance

  1. Sustainable Technology
  2. The Growing Role of Technology
  3. Key Takeaways
    – Digital Transformation for ESG
    – Sustainability as a Business Imperative
    – Enabling Sustainability Through Technology
  4. Actionable Steps for Businesses



A Catalyst for Growth and

ESG Leadership

We explore the critical intersection of sustainable technology, business growth, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance.

The WEF believes that digital
technologies have the potential to cut
global emissions

The Growing Importance of ESG & the Role of Technology


We understand the rising prominence of ESG and the challenges organizations face in its implementation and reporting. Many businesses, particularly in the Middle East, are in the early stages of their ESG journey. Digital technology emerges as a crucial enabler, offering solutions to streamline data management, enhance transparency, and drive meaningful ESG progress. Our discussion with clients also underscores the vital connection between sustainable technology strategies and both business growth and ESG performance. By leveraging technology, companies can actively reduce their environmental impact, enhance social responsibility, and improve governance practices.

Indian manufacturers recognise
the urgent need for digitisation

Key Takeaways:

Digital Transformation for ESG: 
Technology is essential for effective ESG reporting and strategy. Tools like AI, data analytics, and blockchain can help companies collect, analyze, and report ESG data accurately & efficiently.
Sustainability as a Business Imperative: 
Companies with robust sustainable technology strategies are better positioned to achieve both business growth and strong ESG performance.
Enabling Sustainability Through Technology:
AI can optimize resource consumption and reduce emissions. Digital platforms can promote transparency and traceability in supply chains. Advanced technologies can help protect the environment and ensure the safety and well-being of employees and communities.


of Indian companies
have not yet developed their roadmap

Actionable Steps for Businesses:


Develop a Comprehensive Sustainable Technology Strategy: 
Integrate sustainability goals into your technology roadmap.
Invest in Digital Solutions: 
Implement technologies that support ESG data management, reporting, and analysis.
Foster a Culture of Sustainability: 
Encourage employees to embrace sustainable practices and leverage technology for positive impact.


of firms are showing an upward
implementation trend towards adopting analytics and AI


India's Leading Paint Manufacturer Adopts IndustryOS™

Digital Twin to Track Real-Time PSM.

8 Plants - Pan India

Barrier Health Management & PSM Near Miss Recording as per CCPS.



Tags read every 5



Instruments Monitored

realtime – PSM Barrier Health


  • PSM Data access across web

  • Digital Twin

  • Digital P&ID

  • All PSM elements scalable

  • OPC DA Integration

  • CCPS aligned

  • OSHA ready

  • Lead & Lag Parameters

  • Real-Time Data Analytics

  • AI Ready

  • Industry 5.0 Compliant for Gen AI

  • Many More...

    1. PSM Data access across web


    1. Digital Twin


    1. Digital P&ID


    1. All PSM elements scalable


    1. OPC DA Integration


    1. CCPS aligned


    1. OSHA ready


    1. Lead & Lag Parameters


    1. Real-Time Data Analytics


    1. AI Ready


    1. Industry 5.0 Compliant for Gen AI


    Many More…

The World Class

IT & OT integration.

First in Process Safety Management.

Machine to PLC/DCS to OPC & IndustryOS™ & the Magic


First in Process Safety Management.


The hyPSM™ model includes a 6 Steps – 10 stages, which enables the module-wise knowledge base & digitalisation (including real-time data integration), covering all elements of PSM as per CCPS or, OSHA.

we are redefining PSM hyPSM™Digital Twin HyPSM Digital PSM CCPS OSHA Digital Process Safety Management Barrier Health Mangement IT OT Integration Cause & Effect Matrix