Manage Safety Training

Course Description

To understand different aspects impacting on safety management
  • Objectives
  • Target Participants
  • Handouts

By the end of the session, the delegates should be able to:

  • Understand safety management
  • Understand different stakeholders in safety management
  • Understand role, importance and process for different contributors in safety management

his course is designed and customized for different level of hierarchy depending upon mutual understanding with client.

Method of teaching

  • Lectures
  • Practical
    1. Hazards Identification
    2. Job Safety Analysis
    3. Behavior observation
  • Participant workbook
  • Attendance certificate

Course Description

To create awareness among employees on health & safety and its related aspects and promote the HSE culture improvement
By the end of the end of the session, the delegates should be able to:
  • Understand the management commitment to HSE requirements
  • Understand health and safety aspects in organizations
  • Understand different factors impacting health and safety in organizations
Target Participants

This course is designed and customized for different level of hierarchy depending upon mutual understanding with client.

  • Participant workbook
  • Attendance certificate

Detailed Outline

  • Moral and regulatory safety responsibility
  • Administration and organization (SHE policy Management support, Procedures and rules)
  • Management education and training
  • Management and employee commitment
  • Management and employee communication
  • Management and stakeholders
  • Job safety analysis (JSA)
  • Behavioral observation (Element of behavior system, Confronting unsafe behavior, Rein-force safe behavior)
  • Hazard identification and corrective action (Survey and performance, Corrective action choice)
  • Ergonomics (Contributions, Risk factors, Methods of control)
  • Incident reporting and investigation (Process of investigation, Who should investigate, How to interview, Incident cause review, Corrective measures, Documentation and recordkeeping, Tools of investigation,


  • Post Assessment
  • Pre Assessment
  • Report
  • Participant will be conducted with a, post course evaluation for the course and instructor according to agreed format
  • Instructor will conduct post course evaluation for the attendees and their response performance and cooperation during the course
  • Certificate will be issued by passing theoretical and practical assessments depends on course requirement or by passing only theoretical
  • Post course assessment passing score is 70% at Theoretical and 90% practical
  • In case of failure to pass the theoretical test, Sparrow RMS will set it for a second time
  • In case the participant didn’t pass the second time of assessment, they will have to re-attend and go through the same process again
  • Instructors are responsible for marking both pre and post assessment according to standard answers
  • Sparrow RMS is committed to provide at least 3 assessment for each course

The purpose of pre-assessment is to help assess your employee who has been nominated for manage safety course to obtain information on participants’ knowledge, attitudes and practices upon entry into the training program.

Within 5 working days after completion of the training session, a report shall be sent to the client summarizing the output of the session in terms of satisfaction and knowledge gained, when applicable.